Work with Grace

Grace Kingswell – MA (Hons) Cantab D.N.MED

Grace Kingswell standing in a sunny garden, squinting slightly, wearing a black sleeveless top, light blue jeans, and black sandals. Grace is surrounded by green plants, with a house and driveway in the background.

Due to the demands of my toddler and my master’s degree, I’m unable to work one-to-one at the moment.

The Blood Sugar Reset is an affordable way to positively impact your health in a big way. Blood Sugar regulation is one of the first things I do with all my clients in clinical practice anyway, and you can benefit from my online course which contains pre-recorded content and Facebook group support for only £30. It also comes with recipe ideas, shopping lists and much more. 

Blood Sugar Reset and Beyond the Breast: Foundations of Food for Babies and Children (coming February 2024) is a comprehensive course for parents that covers allergies, intolerances, starting solids, gut health, immunity and more. Live video calls, cooking demos and check-ins plus tonnes of recorded and written content on a purpose built platform. 

Group Coaching Courses:

The Blood Sugar Reset
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A self-paced, 4-week online course.

I have been running the Blood Sugar Reset for well over a year now as a 4-week group coaching programme, but it was time to make it on-demand and available for you all whenever you wanted! Enter the self-paced course…

  • A link to a private video of an hour-long webinar on Blood Sugar. In this lecture, I cover everything you need to know about blood sugar regulation and your health. I explain what to do over the next 4 weeks, signs and symptoms to look out for, where to purchase a Continuous Blood Glucose monitor (should you wish to), and so much more. This webinar will arm you with the knowledge to take control of your blood sugar regulation.

    • The original Eggs and Veg eBook, worth £10.99 complete with information and recipes.

    • A PDF with further recipes that are blood sugar balanced.

    • A PDF with snack ideas, what to do if you’re egg-free, plus ideas for lunch, supper and treats.

    • The slides from my webinar presentation are for you to refer back to or make notes on whilst watching.

    • A list of my discount codes, plus store cupboard staples, fridge staples, examples of fats, proteins, starchy and non-starchy veg. A bit like a shopping list!

    • Access to a private Facebook group where we can interact and you can ask questions and share progress.